
Management is both an art and a science. It is the art of operating a system of people, set of policies and certain processes in achieving the organization's common goal and deliberate purpose, even in the abscence of the manager. While the science is process of achieving it.

There are four pillars of management that are generally accepted and stands the test of time. Planning, Leading, Organizing and Control. (P.L.O.C.)

Management generally starts with planning. Plans are conceptualized, designed and implemented based on agreed goals of the management team or of the board. Without proper planning, direction and system of procedures are lost. People will be operating with a blind eye. Planning is a single skill in management basics that requires training, developing and enhancing. It answers the what, where, why and how of the business.

Management generally requires leading. A good manager does not necessarily means a good leader. But leadership skills need to be develop in order to maximize the potential of a manager. Without leadership, the manager will have a hard time achieving more effectively the organization's objectives through its people.

Management is all about organization. Organization skills is essential in effectively managing any organization or group. Different set of skills, resources and activity needs to be coordinated and well managed. Organization brings a sense of balance in otherwise a chaotic organizaton from a very diverse group of people.

Management is effective when control is placed. Controls help the manager makes an objective decision, it eliminates guess work and subjective biases that tends to influence the decision making skills of a manager. Controls set the pace of the business, it can be both a strength and a weakness of any business. It can either motivates the people or restricts them to be creative in their work. Controls should be carefully evaluated and implemented by the manager.

In this website, you will find management resources that will help you develop, improve and enhance further management skills you may already have. Most of the materials publish here will be based on researches, case studies and real world experiences that will compliment your management skills.  

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