Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Introduction to Internet Marketing

Internet these days are very common, gone are days where people is still asking what is internet? how does it function? who runs it? and every question that they may thought about when it comes to internet.

Internet is a lifestyle, it is involved in our everyday lives. It provides a means of communication where years ago most people would say impossible.

Internet was originally designed for military, academic and few corporate research users. Few would know that before it was considered improper for people to use the internet commercially. The military wants a robust effective communication structure that will provide faster network between facilities. While some of the academics wants to share files and information among themselves and among others throughout the globe without the barrier of time and distance. And internet provided the avenue for both situations.

The growth of internet usage was influenced by email. Thru email, people can communicate in less costly, more effective and efficient way. They can send messages without the consideration of time and barrier of distance but still guranteeing receipt at the other end of the line.

Internet as Marketing Tool

It was only in the year 1995 that internet experienced a commercial explosion. But websites during that time lacked the characteristics and features nowadays where considered normal and basic. Sites were static - with little dynamic contents. Streaming media, both sound and video were nonexistent.

Despite it's many restriction, based on today's standard, internet fascinates people on all walks of life. From 1995 - 2002, internet enjoys the boom. Many venture capitalist are drawn to the technology and the potential it offers, many heavily invested on a lot of dot com companies that sprung up almost everyday. 

Entrepeneurs saw the potential the internet offers in promoting their products and services to people not generally available in their network. Internet offers the world. But because of too much attention and to early of growth many marketers during that time lack the discipline to observe their financials. Many invested their dollars heavily in acquiring the attention of the customers but failed to translate it to sales.

Consequently, many companies was forced to scale back, and much more rational and cost-effective marketing plans emerged. But it was clear, that despite the doom sayers that internet was a fad and that it will soon loose its fascination with the customers, the contrary happens, the internet offers a potential of unlimited marketing avenue. 

Internet Marketing Today

Today, Internet employs the best marketing practices, with less cost but much more flexibility. Companies can promote their products to more people than previously possible, in traditional marketing.

Approximately 15% of the world's 6.3 billion population is online. This statistics offer a lot of room for marketing growth and customer potentials. And network infrastruture growth, the increase in internet users would require hardware and system upgrade, driving economic growth not only digitally but globally as well.

Internet marketing, will evolve as the technology evolves and the trends continuous to change, it will be beneficial for any entrepreneurs to be updated with this technology for the potential it offers and the customer available to expand their market.

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